How can I check the status of a MOBIUS request?
You can check the status of a MOBIUS request in several ways. You may contact the circulation desk at the library at (636) 481- 3166 to inquire, or you can log in to your personal account by following these steps:
- Go to the Locate (Jefferson College Library) catalog.
- Select 'My bookshelf' at the top of the page.
- Login using your Jefferson College email and password (and follow the 2-step verification process, if off campus).
- Select 'Holds' beneath 'My bookshelf.' Your requested items will be listed there.
- Under the title of the requested item, you will see "On hold:" in a dark grey bar, and this is where the status of your request will be indicated.
- When your item arrives, you will get an email or phone call letting you know that it is ready to pickup.
- Make sure to bring your Jeffco ID to check the item out.